Thursday, August 9, 2007


So back in June we had a girls night in alex. We were a little crazy.. as always... and came up with an idea for a gift for one of our firends who couldnt be there that night. she is expecting a baby... probably any day now.. you would have to understand T... and the rest of use girls for that matter to truly appreciate this little onesie that Elmo is modeling... but I made this shirt for T on behalf of all of us girls. it matches all of T's many... many... many fleet farm shirts from her years in 4H. She got a big kick out of it!

Kitchen Shtuff.

I've been taking a break from blankets and afghans and worked on lots and lots of dish cloths (knit) and potholders (crochet). They are fun, and quick and easy. I made a set for some each of the ladies in the lutherans for life group that I worked with here in fort wayne and I made a set for a co worker of bens who recently moved into a new house. We been watching lots of Xfiles on DVD in the evenings so I've had lots of time to knit and crochet. fun fun fun!