Thursday, December 20, 2007

Train Table

It was meant to be a simple wood working project for the boys Christmas... After a couple trips to Home Depot and A LOT of help from my dad... William and Henry now have a home made table for their trains.... or Legos... or anything else they can dream up I suppose. It was suppose to be a Christmas present but Christmas came about a week early. We'll paint it this spring... stay tuned for the final project... And for future projects now that I have a new drill... Watch out for Dawn with power tools.....

Baking night

I hosted my first annual baking night earlier this month. A few of my friends came over and we spent the evening baking cookies, dipping chocolates, sampling goodies and the like. It was hosted under the intent to get stocked up on your Christmas cookies... and though I can't speak for everyone, I didn't really get stocked up on anything. The whole plate of cookies was gone in just a few days... Mighty tasty. It was so much fun I've had many a request to make it a tradition. Yippee!!! Maybe I'll have more willpower next year.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Monkey hat pics...

okay, so I'm a little obsessive about this monkey hat eh... well.. I just saw a pic of the two recipients of the matching monkey hats, so I had to post it... hehehehe... too funny!