Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Brent and Alicia

This is a gift for Ben's cousin's wedding, given as a shower gift. I'm not really a fan of granny squares but since I used two yarns together and larger hook went a lot faster than my last granny (4 years). I didn't realize it when I took the picture, but the lattice yarn matches the carpet in our apartment... so it's almost camouflage. Oops... not much of a photographer I guess. I did figure out a new technique for crocheting the squares together so that there isn't many yarn ends. I kinda made it up as I went along. Maybe if I get really ambitious I'll put directions online... not that I think anyone is really interested in my techniques, but that way the next time I make a granny square something, I don't have to figure out the technique again... I'll just have my own tutorial! Wahoo!!!

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