Tuesday, March 20, 2007

OH NOOOOOOOoooooo.....

yesterday I started the stitching in the ditch of the court house steps quilt... when I realized I PUT A BLOCK IN UPSIDE DOWN!!! it's far to late to un-sew and re do it now, but it keeps staring at me... there it is clear as day... GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh well, life goes on... I have yet to make a perfect project so this is no exception!

The quilting is going well... I've done enough ditch stitching to hold it all together... I was a little daring with my thread choice... I used a matching red on the top and in the bobbin since the tension on my machine isn't right so you can see the bobbin on the top and top thread on the back.... rather than trying to fix that I just improvised, the reason it is daring is the backing is the same light color I used for the background of the redwork, so we'll.. the back shows all the stitches... quite well.... I knew I would have to use a red for stitching in the ditch on the borders, and probably could have gotten away with using light color when I outlined the light squares... but I just wanted to do it all the same.... less times changing thread and winding bobbins means more time sewing, eh?

I still don't know what I'm going do where there is redwork... it needs something on those blocks to hold it all together but don't know what... any ideas?


Anonymous said...

My Mom always says that her quilts all have an "Amish mistake" since the Amish supposedly put an intentional mistake in their work because only God is perfect. So you can just say that you put that block in upside down on purpose as your Amish mistake =)

Prairie Dawn said...

yeah, that's it... I was just being amish... seeing all the amish folks around here must be rubbing off on me!!!