Thursday, July 10, 2008

cloth diapers...

I've become a cloth diaper-aholic.. when reading online about cloth diapering everyone kept saying cloth diapering becomes an addiction.. at first I was like... umm.. it's something to contain well.. you know what they are for, so how can it be addicting, but it really is quite fun to make them and thus makes the whole diapering thing less... umm... what's the word I'm working for.... poopy? I've made some pocket diapers for Henry, some training pants for Henry, some fitted diapers for Ellie, and some diaper wraps for Ellie. Pretty much my whole 2nd and 3rd trimester after the boys went to sleep, I spent sewing or researching sewing... now if only I could Ellie to go to sleep at 7:30 with the boys, i could get back to making more diapers.... She'll be out growing her current stash so I gotta get back to it!

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