Friday, February 23, 2007

Archive Project: Kelly's Wedding

For my sister-in-law's wedding last December I decided my then 1 year old little boy needed a really cute vest to wear. Well, I'm cheap... I mean... thrifty... so I didn't want to buy one from a store and pay an arm and a leg then have him wear it for one day. So instead I found this great material at the fabric store in remnants and bought a pattern and a few buttons. For about 3 bucks and a couple evenings of work I had this cute little outfit for him. I'm still scared of making button holes so I made my mom do it for me. One of these days I'll brave that task! I'm sure I'll tell you all about it!

Since the wedding was in Dec. in Minnesota a coat of some sort is in order for the bride... (and a Columbia parka just doesn't cut it with a wedding dress) My sister-in-law was initially going to borrow a coat from a friend of mine but then I got the hair brain idea of making one. When we were looking at bridesmaids dresses months before, the bride saw a cloak at the shop that they rented out for winter weddings so I had a picture in my head of what I wanted to make. I found a pattern and white bridal satin was on sale. I had to make a couple alterations and added a lining but it was pretty easy. With a little fur from Bien, thanks Bien, the cloak was done... I think it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself!

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