Thursday, February 8, 2007

Here comes the Judge...

I've been working on a wall hanging for my husbands boss, a judge, for the past year. Okay, so I've been thinking about it for about a year when I first learned that this is a quilt block named, courthouse steps. Get it, judge, courthouse steps.. hehehe.. anyways. So I looked around and one pattern, from Fon's and Porter really struck me... I kept coming back to it thinking, "I love that, I could do that..." If you haven't already done so, stop, go look at the website, see the pattern I'm talking about... okay, now we can continue.. I wasn't such a fan of the fall leaves so after hemming and hawing, and getting some support from my quilt support team (you know who you are) I decided to drop the leaves and do some redwork designs in the open spaces. Well, I don't know if I've ever done embroidery before, but it didn't take me too long to get the hang of things. I wish I would have used some stabilizer or something under the fabric cause it's isn't a flat as it should be. I did finish all 4 designs (they were quilt stencils) and pieced the top. I need to add the borders now. I'm a "figure it out as you go" sort of gal, so I didn't really know what I wanted to use for borders ahead of time, well, I thought I did, but it doesn't look right so now I'm stuck. I need some help. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn, I posted my comments about your here comes the judge under the wrong quilt! OOps....I'm not a blogger.....:) I love your 4 blocks for the family entry to the quilt for Ben's grandpa. You are so ambitious! I wish I had time and energy at the same time to do as many projects as I have ideas for! You rock Dawn! Bobbi Jo

Anonymous said...

The redwork looks great! I think it adds a really nice touch. So you're thinking about borders, eh? I think if you did a thin border of a deeper red, it would kind of frame the blocks and pull everything together.

Then, maybe a thicker tan border and a binding of the same fabric you used for the inner border. if you really wanted to get crazy, you could piece cornerstones in that outer border using the same fabric you did the redwork on, and stitch mini redwork designs on them.

I wish I could add a sketch...

One more thing: when you add borders, it looks nice if you use multiples of the dimensions from your blocks. So your inner border might be the same width as your pieces from the steps blocks, and then maybe double or triple that width for the outer border.

Hope this helps... it's looking awesome!

Prairie Dawn said...

oh boy! this is great! you guys are already more help than Ben!